Meet the Founder

Do something good for someone today!


True Earth began when Claude Galipeau began studying aquaponics as a way to produce healthier food for his family. Through this, he began to develop fertilizers from the byproducts of his aquaponics process with the idea of increasing healthier food production. After seeing the success from his countless hours of field trials he began to envision how his product could help create a more sustainable farming practice. From this, he developed a passion of wanting to help the less fortunate by sharing his process; allowing more access to healthier foods through farming. "No matter how little, or how much a person has it should not dictate their ability to enjoy healthy food." Claude strives to change the farming world one farm at a time. His mission is to be surrounded by a community where healthy food is easily accessible for everyone to enjoy.


Where it all got started: a small greenhouse next to the founder, Claude Galipeau's house. 


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