About us

The TrueEarth Story (video below)

As we walk through the grocery store surrounded by hundreds of pounds of produce, meat, frozen, and processed foods, we rarely stop to ask ourselves "what is in our food or how it was grown?" Claude Galipeau asked this question and searched for an answer.

What he found presented a problem. The current primary method of food production is unhealthy, unsafe, and unsustainable.  Claude was horrified and disgusted to find that our food supply contained chemical and radioactive contaminates through the use of unnatural and careless agricultural practices. Not only do these harmful pollutants effect our health, they also find their way into our natural ecosystem, harming the local ecology and natural water systems.

His research led him to pioneer innovations in aquaponics to produce healthier food for his family.  He discovered that the byproducts of this self-contained, self-sustainable agricultural system produced natural fertilizers that not only nourished the plants but also the soil. The all natural fertilizers reverse the damage done by traditional chemical fertilizers.

Claude began to develop fertilizers with the idea of increasing healthier food production. After seeing the success from his countless hours of field trials, he began to envision how his product could help create more sustainable farming practices worldwide.  TrueEarth can change the world by changing the way we produce, distribute and eat food.

With a passion to help those less fortunate, Claude’s intention is to share his hard work and insights to create access to healthier foods through natural growing processes available to all. He believes, "to enjoy abundant and healthy food should not be dictated by how much or how little a person has."

Our Mission

TrueEarth is dedicated to developing new innovative and sustainable farming practices. The company aims to share and educate the community about being more sustainable and aware of its quality of food supply.

Our Goal

TrueEarth would also like to provide education to children about growing crops, understanding the earth's natural resources, and about the origin of their food.

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