How It Works

True Earth is a natural fertilizer that helps our environment by healing our lands, saving our pollinators, and rebuilding the depleted Micro and Macro Nutrients in our soils.

Vegetable Gardening

Growing your own vegetables is one of the most rewarding experiences that you can have. Nothing beats the taste of naturally grown vegetables.



Flower Gardening

The hallmark of any garden is good soil. Soil almost always needs a boost to reach its potential. True Earth will help your garden plants survive a wet spring or the rigors of a hot dry summer.

Tip: We recommend that you test the pH and fertility of your soil with True Earth Soil Testing Kits. This will help ensure that your plants will be healthy and have lots of blooms.




TIP: We Recommend that you test the pH and fertility of your soil with True Earth Soil Testing Kits. This will help ensure that your flowers will grow healthy and with lots of blooms.

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